Abierto: Ma - Vi: 10 am - 14 pm, Sa - Do: 11 am - 14 pm     |     El Puerto de Sta María, Cádiz     |     956 85 07 11
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  • Renewed permanent exhibition

    Centro de la obra del
    poeta de la bahía


  • Committed to the first light

    Conference on the poet's work and civic commitment


Rafael Alberti Museum

Learn about the life and work of a universal artist in the same house where he lived as a child, in El Puerto de Santa María.

Museo Rafael Alberti
Firma Rafael Alberti

The headquarters of the Rafael Alberti Foundation is located in his hometown, in a white and luminous three-story house of simple and typically Andalusian construction.

It is the largest center for the study and dissemination of his work, which covers the paths of poetry, theater, essays and visual arts.

In addition, you can delve into his history, find memories of his childhood, the donation that he and his first wife, Maria Teresa Leon, made to his hometown in 1978, and the new contributions that arrive every day to complete the intense biography and work of Rafael Alberti.

  • Se equivocó la paloma.
    Se equivocaba.
    Por ir al Norte, fue al Sur.
    Creyó que el trigo era agua.
    Se equivocaba.

    Rafael Alberti, 1941

  • Despiértate.
    Y exprímete como un limón,
    que cuando mueras
    puedan tirarte al mar,
    sin zumo, seco.

    Rafael Alberti, 1993

A lifetime of yearning for home

Rafael Alberti was a son of his time, his life was marked by the historical circumstances of his country, which he never ceased to miss.

Cronologia 1902


Rafael Alberti opens his eyes in El Puerto de Santa Maria, in the shadow of the ships of the Bay of Cadiz.

Cronologia 1917


He moves to Madrid, where his initial vocation as a painter soon turns into a poet. He surrounds himself with other young people who will soon form, with him, the Generation of '27.

Cronologia 1930

María Teresa León

He meets María Teresa León, whom he will marry in 1932 and found the revolutionary magazine Octubre. Both will travel around Europe and the Soviet Union. During the Spanish Civil War, Alberti maintains his cultural activity and his anti-fascist activism.

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  • Joselito en su gloria

    Rafael Alberti, 1949

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  • Composición

    Rafael Alberti, 1921

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